Building Community

Beyond their shared passion for teaching and learning all things yoga, Chrystal (Yoga LYFE teacher) and Beth (Karmi Yogi) share a vision centred around their core values of connection and compassion. 

Through the challenges of forging a life in their chosen professions, balancing family and friends, Chrystal and Beth have both felt the pressure of trying to be something they are not, they know the real struggle of showing up authentically and compassionately, this is why they are beyond excited to share the experience from their yoga journeys.

Together, they are building an inclusive and welcoming community where people can cultivate self-awareness, kindness and a sense of purpose through the sharing of ideas and experiences, and of course - the practice of yoga.

They are facilitating curated workshops and events - from weekend retreats to hens parties - incorporating unique, contemporary and thought-provoking concepts. They offer space for people to feel and be authentic, and foster deeper relationships with themselves and others.

Join Chrystal and Beth for their first workshop ‘The Art of Authentic Connection’ on the afternoon of Sunday 26 June at East Brunswick Village. For more details - follow this link - - or have a chat to them in-studio about coming along, or hosting your next event.


Brain Injury Recovery


Breath + Pranayama