Experienced yoga teachers who care

yoga teachERS are the foundation of a yoga studio

“To be a student of life means, first of all, to create a space, amidst the jungle of ideas that surrounds us. When the space is created, then you can learn.” ~ Prem Rewat

At Yoga LYFE we aspire to bring the best of yoga to our students. As a result, we have a diverse and selective number of experienced yoga teachers that will guide and educate students to find inspiration through a heart-felt connection. We cultivate a place that nurtures community and joy through your yoga practice.

We are each different beings with unique desires and needs. No two of us are the same. The beautiful practice of yoga is malleable. Meet our teachers and read through their wisdom and journey below.


BRIONY WRINGE, yoga teacher

Compassionate, kind and inclusive Briony has a passion for integrating yoga into her life and sharing this with her students. ‘Yoga has had a profound impact on all parts of my life, creating a deeper connection and understanding of myself, my community and the world around us.’

And in the words of her 9 year old daughter (one of Bri’s greatest teachers) ‘I think my mum is encouraging and supportive to everyone. She thinks everyone has their own super power that they should find and love.’

IG: @briwringe

CAROLYN HOWARD, pilates and yoga teacher

Carolyn started her Pilates journey 20 years ago. She was immediately captivated by the mind/body connection of the practice. In the Pilates method Carolyn could see the opportunity to reach the needs of all individuals of different ages and shapes seeking everything from peak performance to injury recovery. Carolyn is a Principal Trainer in the Pilates method, the highest level of membership from the Pilates Alliance – received in recognition of her experience and qualifications.

IG: @2gether_with_carolyn

CHRIS WILSON, yoga teacher

Chris see’s yoga as a means to help us remember our inherent wholeness. His teaching journey spans over 16 years, and to this day still holds the same curiosity and excitement about the practice.

Chris is passionate about leading teacher trainings with a focus on helping teachers teach from the heart.

His classes are heartfelt, typically with a strong breath and meditation focus.

IG: chriswilson.yoke


An intrepid kiwi, Denise has been practicing yoga since 1999. She fell in love with the contemporary wisdom and energetic practices of the tantrikas in 2006 while living in the USA and continues studying with many teachers there. In 2016 Denise moved with hubby and two teens to Melbourne, and is deeply grateful to create a space for others to see the beauty and joy in life through yoga.

IG: @deniseorloff

KELLEE LEWIS, yoga teacher

Kellee’s love of movement began with tap dance and jazz ballet at the tender age of 4, traversing a myriad of modalities before discovering yoga in 2006. The practice of which transformed her in ways she never expected.

Curious by nature, her classes are an invitation to explore. She encourages you to listen to your body’s wisdom and be playful in your practice. Kellee teaches with an open heart, her classes include dynamic flows, challenging asana and meditation with a focus on intention, strength, mobility and alignment. She aims to empower students to create a calm mind and a strong body and to reconnect with their wild heart.

IG. @kellee26yoga

KRISTIAN CROWE, yoga teacher

Krissie is a fun-loving mover and shaker who’s been practicing yoga for over 20 years. A career in performing arts and deep explorations of Ashtanga, Jivamukti, Iyengar, Yin, and movement culture have shaped his unique teaching style. He is a student Advaita Vedanta and Kashmir Shaivism, lineage traditions where meditation and devotion are central to practice.

As a teacher, he weaves timeless wisdom into transformative action. At the heart of everything is valuing community—creating spaces of connection, belonging, and shared growth.


LISA BALL, yoga teacher

Lisa has been joyfully dedicated to the path of yoga for over 15 years. She first discovered yoga while studying law and instantly connected to a feeling of peace and calm she hadn't experienced before. These practices were invaluable during her studies and when working as a lawyer. Lisa eventually left her career as a lawyer to train as a yoga teacher. She spent two years living on the island of Bali, deepening her studies, teaching yoga full time and leading retreats. Now resettled in Melbourne, Lisa also facilitates regular workshops, retreats, teacher trainings and women's circles.

IG: @lisajulie_ball

LIZ CHAMBERS, pilates teacher

Liz is passionate about Pilates as a lifestyle to ensure you remain strong and vital to get the most enjoyment out of your life. With a background in education, Liz makes classes accessible while encouraging you to work hard and enjoy the process too.

IG: @pilates2gether

NATARAJ CHAITANYA, yoga teacher + kirtan

Nataraj has led retreats, workshops, kirtans, and has directed yoga and meditation teacher training programs throughout the world for over 15 years. After beginning a daily meditation and yoga practice at the age of 13, Nataraj immersed himself in the teachings of yoga at the age of 16, and began to share these nectarean teachings with his students.

His love of teaching is evident in the enthusiastic and devotional manner in which he leads his classes. He strives to create environments and experiences where people from all walks of life can directly contact the fullness of their own Being.


NICKIE HANLEY, yoga teacher

Nickie’s yoga journey began in 2005 at her first yoga retreat in Bali. It was life changing for her as she let go of old stories and stepped in to the life of a yogi and never looked back.

In 2013, Nickie created Discoyoga; a fusion of powerful and soulful Vinyasa flow with a Live DJ. This incorporated Nickie’s previous life as a dancer with her love of yoga and music as a way for her students to connect more deeply to their own joy. A joy that they can take off their yoga mat in to their daily lives.

IG: @discoyoga

PHIL EGGINS, qigong & yoga teacher

Phil is very passionate and enthusiastic about practicing and sharing all things Yoga, QiGong and Meditation. He aims to do so by creating a safe space for students to relax, soften and unwind – enabling them to experience the subtle yet profound health benefits for themselves.

What a treat it is to be alive!

IG: @phileggins

ROSIE WORTH, yoga teacher

I have practised and studied yoga since the early 1970’s and I am continuing on my journey through study and practise with Yoga LYFE. My yoga practise and my family have been my greatest teachers.

The practise of yoga and breath awareness has enabled me to re- unite my mind, my body, my heart and to find a place of stillness and safety within. I have been blessed with a generous full life, I enjoy bush walking, swimming, slurping chai and one of my favourite poems is One Art by Elizabeth Bishop

PS. I have met my best friends through yoga!

SHARON HOFFMAN, yoga teacher

Dedicated to encouraging mindfulness, inspiring & motivating people to live in their vulnerability, self expression & authenticity,

IG: @sharon.hoffman_medicinewithin

SARAH MACHADO, yoga teacher

Sarah's love of yoga started more than 20 years ago, when she moved from the South of France to Australia. Maman of 2 beautiful daughters, she worked for many years in the film and TV industry before diving in her first 350hrs training.

Sarah's aim is for everyone to feel welcome so they know they can practice safely in a way that feels good for their body. With a strong connection to the breath, energy and self-inquiry, her classes are flowing, challenging and nurturing at the same time, suitable to all levels.

IG: @sarahmachadoyoga

TANIA PERRY, yoga teacher

Tania, a St Kilda local and coffee loving yogi, has been practicing for over 15 years, initially using yoga as a tool to assist her to bring balance into her own life. An educator, teacher and healer, she has worked in the area of health and wellbeing for over 2 decades.

Tania believes in the power of positive relationships and encourages students to explore their own bodies in a non-competitive, spirited and fun way.

IG: @humble_warrioryoga

TOMMY KENDE, yoga teacher

Authentic and playful, Tommy keeps it real sharing his passion for living life on purpose.

Find out more about his coaching and conversations for our modern times through his podcast @thebullshitmachine

IG: @tommykende

TINA BRUCE, yoga teacher + breathwork

Tina Bruce is a retreat leader, author, intuitive mentor, rebirthing breathwork facilitator, yoga and meditation teacher. Tina loves teaching across multiple modalities, blending her decades of experience in yoga, meditation, rebirthing breathwork and spinal energetics. Learn more at

IG: @tinabrucesoul

UMA NEAVE, yoga & breathwork teacher


WILLIAM WONG, yoga teacher

William Wong is a Trauma-Informed Yoga Teacher with qualifications in Reiki, Qi Gong, Sound Healing and Holistic Counselling. William draws on various modalities to create an inclusive space that invites and empowers students to develop self-awareness and co-create their own personal healing and transformative experiences.

IG: willy_wongka_