YOGA teacher training (200 HOURS)

2025 dates coming soon….

Are you interested in deepening your practice and understanding of yoga? We welcome anyone interested in learning to teach yoga as well as those wanting to deepen their practice of yoga to join our upcoming Yoga Alliance® Registered Yoga Teacher Training (RYT-200)

Whether you are a student seeking more information to deepen your personal experience, or you wish to help others enjoy the practice of yoga, or perhaps you are already a yoga teacher wanting to continue your education with renown teachers, our training program offers you the opportunity to dig deeper into your yoga journey.

We have structured our training over ten weekends of study and practice to allow you time to digest and absorb the teachings by developing fluency in your practice, deepening your experience of the study of yoga, and cultivating your authentic voice as a teacher. Sign up for the Immersion or Applied Anatomy seperately, or join us for the full program The Art of Teaching Yoga.

RYT-200hours (10 weekends) DATES FOR 2024 COMING SOON


Wk 1: Fundamentals of yoga: pranayama, alignment, asana
Wk 2: Applying Ancient Wisdom and Modern Theory


Wk 3: Asana Pose Labs
Wk 4: Warm ups, Breath, Sequencing
Wk 5: Anatomy – physical focus


Wk 6: Theming: Yoga Philosophy
Wk 7: Practice Teaching
Wk 8: Self Study and Philosophy
Wk 9: Integration: Dynamics of In-Studio and Livestream
Wk 10: Heart and Community



45 min class, followed by 15 min feedback session – minimum of 3 classes required.



“Dig deep within yourself, for there is a fountain of goodness ever ready to flow if you will keep digging.” – MARCUS AURELIUS

The Art and Science of Teaching Yoga


Our 200-hour Teacher Training is a Yoga Alliance® Registered Level 1 Teacher Training designed for students of yoga looking to take their practice to the next level, whether for personal enrichment or to become a certified yoga teacher. Our program is an intense dive into the art and science of teaching and will equip you with the tools to become an excellent teacher. Everyone is welcome to explore to potentiality of this type of training – it could be life changing.

The full program includes: (join us for full 200 hours, or journey into part of it)

Immersion into Yoga; the history, philosophy, and embodied practices (36 hours)
Applied Anatomy & Pose Lab Training (54 hours)
The Art & Science of Teaching Yoga (100 hours)
Business of Yoga (5 hours)

Practice Teaching and Mentoring (5 hour minimum)
12 month LYFE membership, and much more!

The Art & Science of Teaching Yoga will teach you to:

The importance of creating and holding space
Efficient and efficacious language
See students more clearly and teach to what you see
Inspire students to move from the inside out
Verbal adjustments & corrective applications
Weave authentic themes/philosophy into classes
Sequencing strategies for various class levels
Observation and demonstration skills
Teach thoughtful and skilful yoga classes
Take the seat of the teacher with greater confidence

Prerequisites for teacher training programs:

It is recommend to have at least one year of regular practice however if this feels like the best time for you it is. No prior teaching experience is required for the 200-hour teacher training program. You do not need to be flexible or injury free. The knowledge and experience you will gain during this program will afford you both flexibility and healing from the inside out and the outside in. We want to nurture your practice, cultivate your confidence and empower you with tools to forge a deeper relationship with your yoga both on and off the mat.


The Art & Science of Teaching Yoga: 200 Hour Registered Yoga Training (includes Yoga Immersion, Anatomy and Pose Lab Training, plus 12 month membership to Yoga LYFE)

EARLY BIRD PRICE: $4500 in full by 1 April (save $750) / $5250 after

Payment Plan: Non-refundable deposit $750* + 6 monthly payments $750

*deposits are non-refundable, and once any program starts no refunds will be issued

Two weekends (36 hours)
REGISTER INTEREST:: $900 by 1 April / $1080 after

Three weekends (54 Hours)
REGISTER INTEREST: $1350 by 1 May / $1620 after

Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love.” – RUMI