Capricorn the Sea-Goat

The Sun moves into the sign of Capricorn on December 22. As we move toward the end of the year, let's take a look at Capricorn, often viewed as one of the more serious zodiac signs. There is, however, much more to Capricorn than just hard work and seriousness to this cardinal earth sign.   


The symbol or glyph for Capricorn is seen as the head and horns of a goat. On a more esoteric level, however, Capricorn has been associated with the 'sea goat': half goat, half fish; what a fascinating creature! It is considered that the sea-goat alchemises the water that it emerges from into earthly matter. It then symbolically initiates new levels of consciousness. 

 The mythology and symbology of a goat-fish span many religions and cultures. It has been associated with the Tree of Life, the Wheel of Rebirth, creative life energy, and the earthy fertile aspect of nature. Equally, as associated with Capricorn energy we associate it with today, the mountain goat strives to climb to the top of a mountain.

The evolutionary aim of the Capricorn is to search one's soul for a goal, a 'great work' that is worthy of great effort.


In the Northern Hemisphere, the arrival of the Capricorn season marks the starkness and realness of winter. Of course, this is not so in the Southern Hemisphere, but the traits associated with Capricorns and their link to winter can not be ignored, even in the southern hemisphere.

Winter is the season when we need to ensure we have supplies, enough firewood, enough food, enough of anything we believe we need to survive. Whether we live in the north or the south, this symbolism aligns with Capricorn traits. As energy somehow, Capricorn is about survival, critically examining reality as it is and adapting to this reality. The Capricorn is always in a state of preparedness; ensuring food would not run out in the home a worst-case scenario.

Archetypally Capricorn is often associated with the Hermit, and it is true, Capricorn energy does need a lot of time alone, but this does not necessarily mean they are introverts. They need alone time to charge their batteries. Once they re-emerge, they can be wonderful to spend time with. They often have a brilliant and observational dry humour that can be self-deprecating and highly insightful.

If it is difficult, Capricorn energy is innately attracted to it. They are compelled to seek out challenges, climb the highest mountain, swim across the largest lake, or take a failing company from the red into the black. If it is challenging, it is appealing. In opposition to Cancer, which is associated with self-care, Capricorn will put self-care last of all priorities if it will get in the way of achieving a goal. In fact when the chips are down, Capricorn will double its effort rather than remember to eat, sleep, or do some inner healing work. There is a mountain to climb a great work to be achieved.

However, one of the most significant challenges for Capricorn is finding the 'right' mountain to climb. If the Capricorn works simply for work's sake and has not aligned all the effort and hard work to the heart and the heart's purpose, in determining what you were born to choose as your great work, they become at risk of exhausting themselves for no real reason.


Capricorn is the third and final of the zodiacs earth signs. All three of the earth signs are here to work in the material realms, and for Capricorn, it is all about manifesting results in the world. At its best they are here to organise and structure the world around them, to keep things under control. 

Capricorn has been associated with the keywords 'I use'. Ideally, we would like to think this means Capricorn can consciously use the key skill sets of the signs that come before them and integrate them all to generate worldly results, the kinds of people we would ideally like as our politicians and corporate leaders. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, and there has been an association of Capricorn energy 'using' people and things as they climb up the ladder to success, without consideration of others feelings or needs. A shadow side of Capricorn is controlling people and circumstances around them to use it for their agenda.

When Capricorn can find balance, they are the masters in offering the world the results of their hard work. In professional and business spheres, their drive and ability create structures and systems we all rely on daily. When they can tap into their feelings and the feelings of others, they are one of the most holistic and practical signs in the zodiac.


In opposition to Cancer, Capricorn, to be its best, is here to learn not to be ruthless, to develop some compassion and thought of others' needs along the way to the top of their mountain. Capricorn energy may argue that their work is, in fact, all for the family (the Cancer polarity). However ironically, in doing so, they are often not at home, working too hard, not hearing or seeing the emotional needs of others with their eyes on the prize that they believe is for the betterment of all, including their family.

Capricorn is often associated with the archetypal father, the strict parent type, head of a family, which comes with a sense that they have a right to tell others what they 'should' be doing. This theme can carry across into all spheres of life and bring authoritative, disciplinarian and rigid tendencies. On the upside, this can also be the parental archetype that can set wise boundaries for themselves and others and know when to let go.

Capricorn energy is not so much about controlling others as it is about controlling themselves; when they can't control themselves, they can slip into the shadow aspect of managing others instead.

At its best, Capricorn energy can be the sign of self-mastery, of the wisdom of accumulated experience, of focus, integrity, discernment and fortitude. 

Learning to enjoy oneself is one of the most important lessons to learn for Capricorn. To not take things so seriously, to not work as hard as they do. Learning to stop and smell the roses from time to time is vital for them to sustain their drive.


To be truly happy, Capricorn energy must find great work, a purpose to dedicate their life to. They need a mission. It does not have to be the equivalent of being a CEO of a multinational. It could be as simple as creating the fabulous garden, one in which their hard work, time and effort herald' real results. 

They need to have a focus, to be resourceful. They do in fact, enjoy taking life seriously. 

They hate a lack of direction, not being in a position where they are taken seriously. One way to frustrate a Capricorn is to send them to a party alone that lasts all night.They need their time alone but above all else, they need to find the right mountain to climb.

One of the Capricorns chief lessons is to learn to let go of the need for control a little, to tap into their heart and allow others the free will to follow their own path.

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