What is Yoga?

"The light that yoga sheds on life is something special. It is transformative. It does not just change the way we see things; it transforms the person who sees.” BKS Iyengar

A new student called to tell me about several injuries; "Some people just have good health in their 70s, but not me." She went on to share how she cannot move from injuries caused in yoga, but she needs something for her mind and thought perhaps Qigong would be good. Well, yes. I love Qigong to help shift negative energy, so I was happy she called, however I was sad about what she believes to be true about her body, and yoga.

Have you had injuries over your lifetime? I know I have had many, of the body and of the heart. They are real hurts, like many are feeling right now. But how we choose to turn towards our lives, to see ourselves and show up for ourselves makes a difference.

What I have experienced through my yoga practice is a deepening awareness of the power of my breath, about listening to how I feel and adjusting everyday how I can feel better, maybe just a little bit at a time. Having intelligent guidance from experienced yoga teachers who encourage me helps me to engage, to heal injuries in my body, and to stay positive and hopeful in my heart and mind. 

Before doing yoga I had lower back pain and neck pain caused through bad posture, injury, tight hip flexors and weak glutes. Slowly, through a regular yoga practice, I began learning how best to stabilise my core, strengthen and lengthen in the areas I needed, to pay attention to areas of tension and where I needed to change patterns in my life. I learned how yoga could change my body from the inside, and to really listen to what I need to engage with to support my active lifestyle. 

Yoga changed my body, and enhanced my life.

So, what is yoga? Yoga is about making good choices, showing up to practice with good teachers who can guide you, and listening, deep listening.

Are you practicing to feel better? Or to keep up with an unrealistic ideal? Are you listening to your body? A little, every day, makes a difference to how we feel, physically and mentally. It is not a quick fix. Doing something for 2 weeks will not make a lasting change. Doing it for one month may help to cultivate a habit. However, it really takes a lifetime of practicing what is best for you and your body.

Yoga is about how I choose to live my life, and I truly believe life gets better with age. I expect to be keeping on showing up well into my 90's, for yoga and for all life has to offer – how about you?

Let's help each other by showing up – to breathe consciously, to move in whatever fills us up, to stay hydrated, to eat well, to laugh and play, and to keep good company with others who believe this life is precious too, even amidst the chaos. You may not see results immediately, but everyday you are making a difference. 

Keep showing up for your best life,

Denise Orloff


The Deeply Nourishing Benefits of Restorative Yoga


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