Greetings from the Open Road!

Brian and I have embarked on our road adventure for two weeks now, and despite the unexpected chill in the air, our spirits are soaring. Immersed in nature, navigating the intricacies of this nomadic life, reconnecting with old friends, and forging new connections along the way have made this journey incredible.

Our van life began with a bang—literally! Not even 10 minutes from home, a drawer flew open, and the door fell off. Fortunately, Brian's preparedness with a drill and his fondness for impromptu trips to Bunnings saved the day. Breaking and fixing things has become a recurrent theme, teaching us the art of resourcefulness and adaptability. Here's a glimpse into our days on the road:

  • 20+ trips to Bunnings

  • 19 hours troubleshooting the battery system

  • 18 phone calls from Briony at the studio :)

  • 17 favors from friends and family

  • 16 nights without Netflix

  • 15 van meditations

  • 14 breathtaking sunsets

  • 13 serene sunrises

  • 12 refreshing beach walks

  • 11 keepsake seaweed balls

  • 10 destinations worthy of a pin on our map

  • 9 invigorating hikes in national parks

  • 8 delicious meals cooked in our new air fryer

  • 7 stops to fill up with water—man, we use a lot of water

  • 6 episodes of our journey posted at www.ourvanlyfe.com.au

  • 5 cozy campfires

  • 4 visits to the laundromat

  • 3 delightful dinners with friends

  • 2 carpentry projects

  • 1 enlightening permaculture class

While we revel in the joys of connecting our lives to beauty and meaning, we acknowledge the opportunities we've missed at LYFE. Nevertheless, the road has gifted us encounters with resourceful individuals building community-centric lifestyles. Every moment is a lesson, every encounter a chance for growth, and every day is a rediscovery of the simple things that bring us happiness.

As I navigate this journey, I can't help but feel a twinge of sadness for missing out on incredible opportunities at LYFE. Ryan Mannix, a masterful teacher, will be gracing us with his presence in May. Stephanie Tenter and Deborah Adelin are set to share their therapeutic Yin Yoga and live Cello session, and our dear friend Tina Bruce offers another opportunity for Conscious Connected Breathwork.

Love, light, and laughter,

xx Denise

P.S. Our cork map has "rules of engagement" for a place to qualify as pin-worthy.


Power of Breath


Yin Yoga's Deep Healing