3 Reasons to Live in Community

1. Community can be the family you choose. Some of us are blessed with incredible families, some of us struggle with those we were born into. (And then there's plenty of families that fall in between!) When you choose to align yourself in community, it's one that can reflect your values. It's one that will accept you at all times, and support you when you need it most. In the five months since LYFE came to life, we are overjoyed with the community that has come along with it. It's a vibrant, mindful, caring bunch. 

2. Community challenges you. How many of us have tried to keep a home practice going? How many times have you started a new habit only to have it suffer a few days or weeks in? It is HARD to do things alone. It is hard to do things with others, as well, but in good ways! Working within a community -- whether it's to nail that backbend or to say no to disposable coffee cups -- will keep you accountable. And reach a hand down to help you up if you stumble.

3. Community makes you happy. We speak from experience! Being around each of you in the last five months has made us so happy. And we've heard it from many of you, as well! Surrounding yourself with positive people will uplift your mood, your day, your outlook. Being a part of an open, fun-loving, mindful community will bring a vibrance into your life. It may also come with a side of laughter and yoga!


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"At LYFE there is a real lack of judgement. In fact, there are no judgements."