"At LYFE there is a real lack of judgement. In fact, there are no judgements."

I have been going to yoga classes on a regular basis for a while now, however, it was not until attending a class at Yoga LYFE that I have in a few short months become a devotee.

LYFE in Middle Park is a wonderful yoga studio. The studio is a beautifully organised and decorated space, visually appealing and thoughtfully arranged. The atmosphere is warm, friendly, very welcoming and so supportive. From the first morning when I walked in I knew I wanted to be a part of LYFE.

The teachers are friendly, enthusiastic and very knowledgeable. Each teacher has their own style and practices to lead mixed groups with differing abilities through classes. I have always felt that the classes are individual and the teacher is personally guiding everyone to achieve their goals and best personal practice.

One thing I feel particularly strong here at LYFE is a real lack of judgement. In fact, there are no judgements. From the first day of practicing here to every day I come to LYFE, flexibility and being able to master a pose are never the most important thing.

On a practical note, it is 16.6km drive (for me) which in Melbourne traffic can take a while. However, the drive is so worth it. There is parking availability, and on arrival although feeling flustered, once inside the door, it no longer matters. I always leave feeling better, relaxed and peaceful, planning my next visit.

In short, LYFE brings possibilities, with the opportunity to try new styles, teachers, and practice. I'm so grateful to the team at LYFE for creating such a warm and uplifting space!


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