Autumn Equinox

Could you feel it last week? This time of transition... moments giving way for change, as we at the studio shift and as the world is undergoing major shifts.

Today we welcome the Autumn Equinox.

We poured our hearts and souls into this moment of balance with last night's celebration of Equinox energy, which is the energy of equanimity itself!

As the heart is the seat of balance between earth and heaven in the human body, the equinox is the moment of balance in the cosmos. When the days and nights are equal, the cosmos itself celebrates a moment of pause. The Earth lies poised on the cusp of a new season, and we can align ourselves with this moment of balance.

Sometimes we are working so hard we forget to find balance and receive the fruits! To gather the fruits of your effort requires a pause — and it’s in that pause that we can turn into the heart and discover what we have invited in, learned, let go of, and discovered in the season past.

May your autumn season be blessed with vitality, wisdom, fulfilment, love, community and an abundant harvest.

May we continue to cultivate the heart of peace and love in action.

Denise and the Yoga LYFE team

P.S. Events like the Autumn Equinox celebration are FREE FOR MEMBERS. Ensure you sign-up for our newsletters to learn of upcoming events including Sound Meditation, Dancing, Drumming, Kirtan and more.




Yoga Studio Manager