The truth is there is always devastation and struggles in the world. However, rather than drown in the feelings of overwhelm and helplessness this is exactly when we need to further engage ( connect / yoke / yoga ) to encourage the better angels of humanity to rise up. And having good company to lift you up helps too! I love how Pixie Lighthorse says “Imagine we are in a small boat together. I will do some rowing while you attend the matters that are hurting.”

Here’s what I have been attending to…

  1. Set realistic goals. Playing catch-up is not healthy; bring the kindness you want to offer to the world to yourself too. Review your routines, especially as the season is changing. Ensure you breathe some fresh air, look at the sky, listen to the birds, remember that the natural world is a shared gift to love and care about.

  2. Be discerning. Do not turn away from current events, rather invite the grace of your inner intelligence and awareness. Staying critically aware is not the same as being opinionated or aggrieved. Let us practice ways to keep looking for ways to not only lift our own spirits but to give hope to others.

  3. Practice empathy. There are plenty of reasons to feel sad, and even angry, but how does this help? Try listening, and saying “I feel you, we all feel for you.” It makes a difference when you share in the experience, listening and learning how we can keep evolving the collective goodness of humanity through challenging times.

Our daily practices are here for exactly these times. So is community. Look to others who are realistic, who have integrity, and empathy. Practice together (move/meditate/love), and support each other. Learn to navigate through life with good company that keeps you engaged, growing, and hopeful.

With gratitude to those rowing the boat for me and for this amazing community.

May we all feel full of hope, and more aliveness.

Peace and love,



Yoga Studio Manager


Heart Health