Heart Health

As chaos reined throughout the world this week, from war to natural disaster, our daily practices of breath, movement, and meditation helped. This probably comes as no surprise to you, however we love it when new folks show up and then start sharing what they are discovering with the others.

Researcher Peter Kistler is a new student at Yoga LYFE, and this week was on the TV and in the paper sharing his latest article about the benefits of yoga to manage heart disease...

"Yoga and other relaxation techniques should be prescribed alongside medications in the management of one of the most common heart conditions, new Australia research shows.

A review by Melbourne's Baker institute has underlined the huge role psychological stress plays in driving atrial fibrillation, the most common irregular heart rhythm that can lead to blood clots forming in the heart.

In a finding that may turn treatment on its head – or at least some patients – Prof. Peter Kistler and his team are now recommending cardiologists around the world adopt a more holistic approach and include mindfulness-based stress reduction and yoga to manage the condition." Read full article HERE.




Motherhood & Yoga