Scorpio: Detective, Sex, Alchemist


The sun moves into sultry Scorpio on October the 23rd. Scorpio is possibly one of Astrology's most misunderstood signs. Let's take a deep dive into the qualities and attributes of this fixed water sign so that we can understand the Scorpio energy in our lives.


The Scorpio symbol represents the stinging tail of the Scorpion, the coils of a serpent and is also associated with the male sexual organ. Folklore claimed that if you could survive a sting from the Scorpio tail, you were then immune from all other stings. There is also a claim that a Scorpion would rather sting itself to death than be coerced and controlled when cornered.

Mythologically Scorpio energy is all about the descent into the underworld. In late October into November, the sun's brightness wanes in the Northern Hemisphere, and it descends as the season moves into Winter. The myths associated with this sign include the Phoenix myth, where a bird is reborn from the ashes of the fire that consumed it and the Persephone myth. Persephone descends into Hades (the underworld), where she lives for six months of the year, returning to the earth's surface for another six months and continuing the cycle of light and dark and symbolising life, death, rebirth and transformation. 

An evolutionary goal for the Scorpio is to live every last minute as if it were their last and to create a healthy alignment between their feelings and their actions.


Scorpio as energy represents some of the absolute facts of life that we mainly consider taboo or don't talk openly about. This includes death, money, sex and power.

At its essence, Scorpio is about deep, honest, intense truth and the deep, honest, intense feelings that go with it. This is not the sign that can easily do small talk at a party. It wants what is real, what is honest, what is hidden from view. Seeking, facing, and dealing with truth and all that entails drives the essential energy of this sign. 

The Scorpio experience deals with as honestly as possible all that life entails, including the darker parts of life and human nature.

Scorpio penetrates deeply into their mind, their psyche and often down into the depths that many of us prefer not to go. Equally, Scorpio will intensely investigate the psyches of others, seeking to discover their motivations and dark secrets. They are the detectives of the zodiac and can often be found in positions where research or detective-like work is required. 

A Scorpio needs to live as closely as possible to their own shadow, but this is often not comfortable. As a result, they are often quite shy people, preferring to keep their inner world to themselves. Trust is a massive issue for Scorpio. Because they innately know and understand the darker parts of life, they are less likely to trust what one says, especially if they feel something contrary to what they're being told. It takes a lot to win the absolute trust of a Scorpio, and if you break that trust with them, you are likely to be cast out of their lives. 

Sometimes, all that digging unveils feelings that one doesn't know how to handle safely and the shadow side of Scorpio; repression takes over. Repression can be a survival tool, but it can turn moody, broody, and projecting when it is defective. When a Scorpio projects, they often see in others what they fear to face within themselves. People and the world cannot be trusted, it's a dark and scary place out there. This is where we get the common themes of jealousy, control, and manipulation associated with this sign. These attributes are due mainly to Scorpio protecting their sensitive vulnerabilities and ensuring that their innermost secrets and feelings are not exposed. To protect themselves, they can feel a need to control and manipulate others. 



Scorpios have a solid reputation for being the sexiest sign of the zodiac, and there is some truth to this; however, it may be over-exaggerated. There is no doubt that they are alluring and magnetic with their intense energy, and people are often drawn to them sexually. The link to sex and the Scorpio is the overwhelming need for the emotional intensity that comes with the sexual act. Feelings can rarely be ignored with the sexual act for a Scorpio; they want the deep, naked bonding between two souls that sex can bring. The risk here is that they can mistakenly believe that love can be found in sexuality and damage themselves emotionally in their search for emotional gratification. However, sex as a sacred act is a profoundly transformative tool for Scorpio to use. When they can become deeply and trustingly intimate with a partner, they learn how to reveal their true self, learn to trust, be honest, and let go of any need to control or manipulate others.



These are very sensitive people who rarely show their vulnerability but can be highly empathetic and compassionate. If you have felt it, they have probably felt it too, possibly even more intensely. They get it. Scorpio, at its best, is the Alchemist, the one who can magically turn lead into gold, transform the dark into light and help themselves and others transform from the caterpillar to the butterfly, shedding skin like a snake and becoming reborn. They are attracted to hidden mysteries, the occult and metaphysical sides of life. These are the healers who can call in the powers of the universe, mystical and inexplicable energies to help others transform. 

Scorpio doing Scorpio well is possibly the more powerful of all the signs. Using their depth, insight, and power safely can bring about genuinely profound transformation and healing to individuals and within society. They can be masters at bringing out the best in others by empowering them.



In their primary relationships, they need authenticity and realness to feel connected with others in a heart-to-heart kind of way. They need to develop a deep sense of trust with the people they let into their lives so they can share their depths and secrets. They need time alone to recharge their emotional batteries. 

They hate being controlled, being out of control and feeling powerless. 

The Scorpio must realise and accept that it is ok to feel deep dark feelings. They do not have to be happy all the time. 

They need to give themselves permission to go into those dark places and have tools and strategies for dealing with what they find there and finding a way back to the light. Many will thrive if they have a connection to the invisible realms- spirit, God, higher powers, magic, angels, whatever works for them. 


Their life lesson is to understand the true nature of power and to learn how to make the unconscious mind conscious.

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