Sahaja: Innate state of joy


You know those very rare moments when you are experiencing pure joy? 

Like may be witnessing the most beautiful sunset, dancing like no one is watching, hugging someone you love after not seeing them for months…. 

That innate joy, often referred in yoga as Sahaja, is not really about the sunset, the dance, or the person. They are only triggers for you to experience the real you.

The source of joy is you. You are experiencing yourself in that moment.

You are remembering the part of you that is eternally joyful.

In that moment nothing else exists. The limitations, stories, past experiences, labels, beliefs, and conditioning, they all dissolved, just for a moment.

In that moment, all is left is a sense of spacious awareness where the activities of the senses stand still, and the experience of the SELF expands.

The state of Yoga, in meditation and nidra, is a connection to that state of Sahaja. It’s an innate state we have experienced as a child, independent of the outside world.

You came into this world joyful, and it is a part of you no matter how hard life can sometimes be; Find a way to remember it, to return to it.


With joy,

Sarah Machoda – join Sarah for a truly blissful experience on Sundays for Yoga Nidra


Yoga is not just about the body


Scorpio: Detective, Sex, Alchemist