Yoga is not just about the body

I embraced yoga about 15 years ago, beginning at CAE in Flinders Lane, with a delightfully spirited Elaine Haby. It probably took 2 years or so for my body to become accustomed to the poses and develop the strength to maintain them!

Then one day, out of the blue, I experienced a moment of awareness… that yoga is not just about the body, but the mind as well!

My work at the time, involved a very vulnerable community, most with extremely traumatic pasts, generational poverty and marginalisation. Mostly I would have no warning for when disturbing disclosures would be made from families when they used my service. It was always very stressful.

On the day of the out-of-the-blue moment, sensing that I was about to be told a story… unconsciously I noticed that instead of leaning forward with stressed anticipation, I found myself slowing my breath, settling back in the chair, adopting a still, quiet posture and a “being with” mindset. Reflecting on this light-bulb moment, it was easy to recognise the consult was a much more helpful one for the client at the time.

So now, 13 years after this, I firmly believe that the teachings of yoga have not only benefitted me, both physically and mentally, but have made me a far more effective health practitioner.

It is also fascinating to be aware of the brain science around the phenomenon: our mirror neurons and our ability for our right brain to connect with the right brain of another to improve our communication with each other. Both neurological features reduce stress, increases empathy and the ability of developing trust, all handy in making us more valuable human beings!

Elaine has since retired, but now I benefit many times during the week from the truly wonderful teachers and mentors at Yoga LYFE! Forever “stretching my lips” and warming my heart!

About the author: Piri is a longtime Middle Park resident, an intrepid adventurer and a founding member of Yoga LYFE. She is a local Maternal Child Health Nurse, currently working at Bubup Womindjeka Family & Children's Centre in Port Melbourne. Piri's wonderfully positive presence makes a difference in our community, and in the lives of many young families in our area who she works with.


Saggitarius: Gypsy, Student, Philosopher


Sahaja: Innate state of joy