Saggitarius: Gypsy, Student, Philosopher


The Sun moves into jovial Sagittarius on November the 22nd. Sagittarius is often considered one the luckiest signs of the zodiac and there is truth to this, but its not all a bed of roses. There are some pitfalls Saggies need to manage along the way. Let's take a deep dive into the qualities and attributes of this fixed water sign so that we can understand the Sagittarian energy in our lives.



The Astrological symbol for Sagittarius is the upward shooting arrow representing the arrow of the archer component of the mythological centaur, half-man, half-horse. The arrow was once considered a symbol of the rays of the Sun, representing aspiration to consciousness.

The mythological centaur being half-beast, half-human is indicative of the classic struggle between our base and instinctual natures and our aspiration for spiritual connection. Mythologically centaurs were considered to be hedonistic and lusty and excessive in behaviour. Centaurs have even been used to symbolise the 'devil' in Christian artwork.

Contrary to this, we also have the centaur that is represented by the archetypal wounded healer, Chiron, "King of the Centaurs." Chiron was a wise philosopher, teacher and healer. The human aspect of this centaur was considered a valiant knight, a hero and adventurer, which is such a common theme in describing Sagittarian energy.

The evolutionary goal of the Sagittarian is to search for, find and realise meaning in life. To seek and arrive at the 'truth.'



The free wielding, travelling, and adventurous nature of Sagittarius can be associated with the archetypal gypsy energy, wondering lustfully, never putting down roots. Given their purpose is to search for meaning, they must wander far and wide, both physically and mentally, to arrive at a place of their sense of truth. There is absolutely no doubt that Sagittarius energy can be restless and generally loves the nomadic freedom of travel. Sagittarius is our mutable fire sign, driven to expand their minds beyond the realms of any insular existence. Travelling is so important to the Sagittarian because it is one of the many ways they get to expand their awareness and grow from the experience. Of course, this contributes to the library from which they seek their sense of meaning in life. They can feel at home quickly in many different cultures and lands, enjoying the endless variety and stimulation and consolidating their disdain for permanence and stability, which they often think is limiting.

As wonderful as travelling is, some get caught in the never-ending cycle of moving from one experience to the next. Their energy can feel like a butterfly flying from one flower to another but never landing in one place for very long. Without landing, the Sagittarius is at risk of denying themself a sense of safe home. This can lead to them having fleeting and superficial relationships and miss the potential of developing deep and ironically 'meaningful' relationships in their lives.

When they do settle into a home, you will find trinkets and souvenirs from their travels throughout the house. They may be happy at home for a while, but as a constantly forward moving and striving energy, they will always have another trip or another adventure planned.


Sagittarius is often associated with the perpetual student. Whether via traditional academia or self-taught, the Sag has a fascination with learning new things to massage their need for self-expansion, leading to finding their truth again. They collect new facts and viewpoints like they do souvenirs on their travels. They 'try on different ideas until they find the ones that fit them. As much as they are students, they are also natural teachers, as once they find something they believe in, they want to shout it from the rooftops and share it all with the world. They are natural storytellers and entertainers and will never allow the facts to get in the way of a good yarn. Like their opposite sign Gemini, they love to communicate and share ideas. Thus, they are often found in roles as actual teachers, as publishers, journalists, working within the media, whatever it takes to 'spread the word."

There can be an arrogance that comes with the Sagittarian who believes they have all the answers, have done all the study, and are always right. They do not shy away from a debate and will argue their point until they are blue in the face but often will not take oppositions to their ideas personally.


The real purpose for Sagittarius is after they have tried on different ideas and beliefs that they make something of it all. They are constantly looking to expand their consciousness via attempting to understand the universe. Eventually, for Sag, everything should bring a sense of meaning into their world. They are the natural philosophers of the zodiac. Even when faced with difficulties, the Sagittarian has a way of turning negative around into a positive learning experience, of finding a silver cloud in every lining. They are genuine optimists because eventually, they do believe that everything has a purpose. These zodiac people often view life with rose coloured glasses on, seeing the glass half full, not half empty. This is a lovely trait, but it has a shadow. Sagittarius is the last to see or believe that there could be a sinister motive behind someone's actions, that the world or people may not have the best intentions. Even when confronted with the evidence, it can take a lot for that Sag to take off the rose-coloured glasses and see a reality they may not want to face. They perpetually believe things will get better, that that person will change, and as a result, they can stay in relationships or circumstances long after others would have fled.

They are always looking at the big picture and are excellent in blue-skying ideas or coming up with the next trend. However, when it comes to putting thoughts into action, they can be lacking and scattered. Detail and execution of ideas is not something they particularly like doing or are good at.

Take note of how many times the Sagittarians in your life start their sentences with the words, "I believe". To them, their beliefs are the cornerstone of meaning in their life. It can range from evangelistic attachment to a structured religion, a fantastical belief in a New Age theory, a love of mythology, astrology, tarot, meditation or a blind following of a Guru. Their test is whether they follow blindly or work with discernment to arrive at their own individualised philosophy. They can end up fancying themselves as the 'guru' in whatever is their chosen field, but they must learn that the real Guru has nothing to prove, no one to control, but it is only meant to lead from example.

By nature, these are very expansive people, but this can also lead to extremism and overindulging. Sag energy can often not know when to stop, and they can easily suffer both physical and mental health 'burn out'. They are very often, all on or off, and they can certainly 'do a thing to death.'


To be truly happy, A Sagittarian must be able to spread their wings and fly off unencumbered to gather up all the experiences they can find that will help them build meaning and purpose to their lives. They need to explore to understand themselves, the diversity of the world and their place in it.

A Sag needs freedom. Freedom of thought, of actions and belief. They need something always to be looking forward to, another adventure, whether physical or mental. They hate it when life gets too serious, when responsibility gets in the way of fun and when sameness permeates their lives. They love change. These people need to laugh. A despondent Sagittarian is a very sad thing indeed.

Life Lesson – to live life as an adventure and pack in the experience of seven lifetimes into one, with no regrets.

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