How to use Yoga Blocks

Our yoga practice in an opportunity to explore moving our body, mind, energy and our emotions. We are in a constant state of MOTION.

If we are balancing in the physical sense, like we do in some yoga postures we’re making micro adjustments to find homeostasis.

If we’re exploring more dynamic movements in our practice it might feel like bigger physical shifts and steps and change occurring in our body.

If we feel stagnant, restricted or stuck in our practice (or life) it might be that our priorities have shifted and some things have slowed down. It could be a regression one sense but something else has progressed.

When we feel like we’re progressing it may simply be that our focus or energy has shifted in a specific direction. The energy directed to a focal point can create momentum, change and might experienced as physical, mental or energetic shifts.

We get to direct our energy and decide where we want to ficus our time, our thoughts and which way we flow in this constant state of motion.

There are many techniques I use in my practice and teaching to help facilitate these shifts. Using props in the practice is one of these tools. I actually prefer using props as it helps me;

⁃ unlock so much more

⁃ target my attention in specific places

⁃ generate stability

⁃ create freedom where there was restriction

⁃ gently mobilise where there was resistance

⁃ access more strength where there was limitation

⁃ with a feedback tool where it’s hard to find

I use yoga blocks in active & passive shapes to help restore balanced in the body and open it up.

I use yoga blocks as tools to help create awareness, alignment, strength, flexibility and also shift energy through movement.

I use yoga blocks to make the inaccessible, accessible and enhance my movement potential. Ultimately they’re one of many tools to elevate my body, mind energy potential.

Some common uses for yoga blocks:

⁃ Under butt to elevate hips in sitting postures

⁃ Under the hands in standing forward folds, sun salutations, arm balances and back bends to optimise integrity of shape and deepen focus

⁃ Under the feet in standing and balancing poses, to strengthen glutes and where to bring your attention

⁃ Under the shoulders (heart) and upper back to release tense muscles and thoughts

⁃ Under thighs in butterfly or Savasana for support

⁃ Under the belly for a psoas release (not in pregnancy)

⁃ Under the armpit to release the shoulders & latissimus dorsi

⁃ Squeeze between hands, legs, arms for strength and feedback

And there’s lots more to share… please join me on Wednesdays for Flow or Yin + Roll where we use yoga blocks and straps and blankets and balls in lots of creative ways to help you improve your energy and your state of motion.

xx Amelia Schrader

Axis Yoga ~ The Intelligent Practice


Restorative Yoga


Saggitarius: Gypsy, Student, Philosopher