Embracing Change

This past week has been a whirlwind, a maelstrom of energetic shifts swirling in the air. I found myself fully immersed in potent practices around the New Moon — a mind-blowing breathwork session and an emotionally moving indigenous smoke ceremony. The aftermath? Stagnant energy shook loose, landing unexpectedly and provoking profound changes.

In our pursuit of making a difference and instigating change, gaining perspective becomes a crucial compass. It's about viewing things differently. Despite our presumed knowledge of the way forward, we often unknowingly erect our own obstacles. I firmly believe that by wholeheartedly embracing the multi-layered modalities within our yoga practices, we can illuminate our present experiences and shift the paradigm.

So, the pondering question emerges: "What can I do differently?"

In the midst of life's chaos, we sometimes forget to honor what's truly valuable for ourselves. This weekend, I took a step back, retreating to nature with my mum. We walked, talked, practiced, reflected, and reconnected with what holds value for me.

Ultimately, yoga beckons us to question: "What is the best choice now? What can I do differently?"

Are you okay? Can you take a break? Will you join us for unique opportunities this month to try something different? Let's collectively shake things up and create a little more light in the world.

As we celebrate Passover, bask in moonbeams, chase bunnies, gather eggs, and make time for what is truly valuable to you, remember that we have a modified schedule for the Easter holiday weekend.

Thought I’d share a favourite poem for contemplation…

"Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness, 

some momentary awareness 

comes as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they are a crowd of sorrows, 

who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still, 

treat each guest honourably.

He may be clearing you out 

for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, 

the malice, meet them at the door 

laughing and invite them in.

Be grateful for whatever comes 

because each has been sent 

as a guide from beyond.’

– Rumi


Navigating Life

