GOODBYE 2020: The Year It All Fell Down

I end my 2020 differently, not at a party with fireworks but in peace and in nature. With a deep respect for what is happening in the world. I feel very different, if not another person. For me this year was an absolute pause and let false curtains fall that made me walk heavy as stones on my shoulders. Images that I believed were true and that I followed "religiously" the daily rigidity of my Yoga practice and my need to demonstrate what I know. The struggle to gain a place in society and to belong to a place where I am not valued... all of that fell away little by little and the columns of my "house" collapsed but when all the walls fell, I realized that behind those old walls there was a much bigger garden full of flowers where I could play and be free. No more old structures are needed but eternal freedom and unconditional love.

I understood that if something "dies" it is because it is time to let it go and if we hold on to it or try to revive it it is like trying to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to a dead body or trying to put the leaves that fell on a tree.

I learned that being alive is like a ticket that you don't buy but that you are given as in a raffle and each one uses his ticket as he sees fit. For me now life is a vacation where you come to enjoy, to feel, to live, to love and to be happy with each one of the simple moments of life like breathing, hugging those you love or simply observing how the ants carry food or the heat of the sun on their skin.

I learned not to judge again how someone sees the world or how they live it, each ticket of the trip is different and you never know what the other is going through. I learned that every person you meet is a great teacher and those you dislike are the greatest because they are your greatest mirror.

I learned to break with the ghost of yesterday that haunts you where you go but is nothing more than a ghost because it no longer exists or the giant monster of the future that has not arrived and only blocks your path with expectations and anxieties that you will never fulfill. Today I focus on today. The second I live and when I close my eyes and feel my body I realize that everything is always fine. I learned to trust that EVERYTHING is perfect as it is, what we see as happiness and pain since there is the growth in the history of life and so for each person, you cannot and should not try to save or change anyone because each one is going through his own school and his own evolution. You cannot save but you must listen, embrace, and be there to hold the hand of those who need you.

I learned how to create sacred spaces that are unique and that everyone needs to create and be happy. To walk in beauty and uprightness appreciating and thanking all that is with me. I learned to set loving boundaries and realize that I must take care of my integrity and energy which are mine and must not be wasted. It's okay to say no and say yes when you want to!

I learned the magic of appreciation from the heart and that it is in this space that one vibrates at the highest frequency and from here everything one wants and needs manifests.

I learned to trust in God and in the perfect process of life and above all I learned not to put resistance in anything that happens, because in resistance is suffering but to allow and accept it and if that happens it causes me pain to learn the three things: can I do something about it to change it? Can I leave or get out of this situation? Or I can simply accept it completely.

Now I live more quietly, more simply and more happily listening to my own sacred rhythm which for now is more leisurely, but I know that soon it will change and it will come? When that happens I will be ready because I will be in the today and in this very moment: EVERYTHING IS OK.

Written by: Linda Wolff
Follow Linda and find more stories on her Instagram: lindayogini


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