Letter to the Community


Our son Seth arrived home this morning, cutting short his planned six month adventure in South America. It was a relief to see him, from 3 metres away!!!

As Seth needs to self-isolate for 14 days, I have moved out of our home. This allows me to be at the studio every day and support our community and our Middle Park neighbours. (Edit: On the 19th March, we got Seth’s test results and he is all clear!!)

The incredible teachers at LYFE are such a comfort to me as we navigate the unease around COVID-19. I am so deeply grateful to the calming energy this team brings into our space, the gentle reminders to return attention to breath. We are so happy to see you, and even as some arrive anxious, they leave lighter, smiling.

This is why we are doing our best to keep classes going as much as possible! And why we are providing ONLINE CLASSES for you  to practice at home as we truly believe that a regular yoga practice has a positive impact on your health and wellbeing.

Here a few updates that will be in effect from Thursday 19th March:

  • We are limiting class numbers to ensure everyone has space.

  • PLEASE BOOK ONLINE in advance. We will CANCEL any classes if no one is registered 8 hours before class –– for the most up-to date changes please make sure you check the schedule 

  • BRING YOUR OWN MAT! If you don’t have your own mat, you are able to “rent a mat for the month for $10. This mat will stay at the studio for ONLY YOU  to use.  We are no longer laying out mats in the studio. 

  • We are cleaning our blocks and straps, and we have towels to use over the bolsters. However, we kindly ask that you bring your own blankets and bolster, and if you don’t have we will have a wonderful selection from CALM BUDDHI for sale – use code "LYFE" for FREE DELIVERY for orders over $100

  • There will be no hands on adjustments (or hugs).

  • We are doing extra cleaning after every class.

  • If you are feeling unwell or a direct family member in your household is unwell, please stay home.

  • Enjoy your SECOND LYFE, our library of online classes for our members on https://www.yogalyfe.com.au/online-classes password: lyfeonline

In addition to our recorded classes that are now available we are really stretching our wings and plan to begin offering LIVE streaming classes.  More on this coming soon!

Looking ahead, in the event we are required to “close the doors” temporarily, we will continue teaching via livestream so that we can continue to support our teachers providing services, and mostly to support all of you.

We know that this may be a stressful time. We feel it too. Yoga LYFE was created to provide space to be together, and as we make many adjustments please know our intentions remain the same. Even as we spread our wings, we do so for YOU. For together we are stronger.

Connection is so important. Make sure you are staying in touch with those you love, and feel free to call me anytime at the studio 03 9696 9634 –– I plan to be here every day for the next two weeks. Remember, self-care is not something we simply do for ourselves, but for the many others whose lives we touch. Together, we believe we will all be ok.

Much love,


"If we have come to yoga for healing, we may have needed our practice to be a cast or cage so that the bone in a broken wing can set. Now it is time to stretch our wings and fly again, so our practice needs to change. We feel an inner urge to abandon the cage of the practice that got us this far. This is not a failure of yoga; it is the success" ~ Lorin Roche, The Radiance Sutras


Welcome to Your SECOND LYFE


What is Tantra?