Life is a Precious Gift

When did you discover yoga & meditation?

I discovered yoga and meditation while I was studying law at Uni. I would get really anxious and stressed before exams and it really started to impact my wellbeing and self esteem. My mum has been a meditator for a long time and she gently encouraged me to try meditation. I found it very 'boring' but undeniably started to feel a sense of peace and calm that I hadn't experienced before. That was the beginning of a very special journey that ultimately changed the trajectory of my life!

What principles do you live by?

Life is a precious gift! The older I get, the more I realise what a privilege it is to age and that each day is truly a gift and I try to live each day in a way that honours that.

I also do my best to leave each person I cross paths with feeling better than before.

How would you describe your teaching style?

My classes are an exploration of uncovering ways to move that feel easeful and expansive. Exploring what it means as a felt sense to be 'at home' in your body.

Share some fun facts about you?

I have a toy poodle Daisy who is the love of my life (sorry to my husband if you're reading this – I love you too!).

I can't cook, but have the most wonderful husband who loves cooking (husband if you're reading this – I'd love pasta tonight).

Join Lisa this October 2022 for Meditation Matters and a safe space to remember our divine essence withe her next Women’s Circle Living with Radiance, Peace & Purpose


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