Ganesha Stories

I am drawn to the pervasive Ganesha stories, that speak not only of embracing our wounds, our experiences, to step on to the threshold of new beginnings, but also to be resourceful and playful, to look always for the beauty in everyday life.  

Ganesha’s stories are steeped in devotion. Even though he may over indulgence and rages at injustices, Ganesha is overwhelmingly wise, reliably steady, offering a fresh perspective to challenging situations that always seeks a peaceful outcome. He recognises the entry point of new beginnings and, if we are willing to remove obstacles that are often within ourselves, he helps us to see the way forward. 

For me the greatest teachings of Ganesha are in finding harmony in our relationships with ourselves and with others. Ganesha invites us to our own sweetness. Regardless of what life presents us with, we have a choice in how to engage. To choose sweetness as an inherit value on how we approach life.  

Change is inevitable, however Ganesha invites us to reflect on the invitation to value challenges as opportunities, to refresh they way we think and see our world, and re-energize the heart. I invite you to use his stories as a way to reflect on how you choose to embrace change.

Ganesh asks, What is sacred to you? How do you honour the boundaries? When do you cross and when do you protect? Are you in or are you out? Where do your experiences take you? Are you able to find the seam… the in-between?

Ganesha offers his sweetness of character as an example of how best to show up in the world. Whatever comes your way can you offer a smile, a softening of your heart and be open to new possibilities.

May we recognise every breath as a new beginning.

May we all be blessed with sweetness, peace and love.

xx Denise


Life is a Precious Gift


Yoga is an Invitation