Yoga is an Invitation


When did your yoga journey begin?

I have been practicing yoga for more than 20 years, and what it means to me has changed many times. It is a journey and there is not one right answer.

Yoga offers many tools to help me stay steady and grounded in my life, especially when things don’t go the way I want them to go. One of my teachers said something that stayed with me... "You know you are practicing the right kind of yoga when you know what to do when you are not practicing yoga."

Yoga brings people together. We know that to be healthy we need connections; we are healthier when we are in community, when we feel supported and when we can support others.

My Sadhana or daily practice is all about starting the day feeling grounded but also remembering that there is a part of me that is always at peace and at rest no matter what is going on. It is a practice that delivers resilience, discernment, clarity and the courage we need to reimagine a just world for us, for the people we love and the entire planet.

Yoga reminds me that we are all worthy to be here and find joy and love (including animals). It’s about connection, self-enquiry and self-remembrance. And it makes me a better mum for sure…

What principles do you live by?

Be kind to yourself, others, and the planet. I try to learn how to do something every day to make this world a better place, even if it’s a very small gesture like smiling to a stranger in the street.

I am slowly learning how to not be scared to have a go even if it might not work. The only people who don’t fail are the ones who don’t try (I think it’s a quote from Einstein).

How would you describe your teaching style?

I think we should only teach what we practice and what we have been able to embody. I share what has and continue to transform my life. My style is inspired by the Tantric teachings (and no I am not talking about the sexy tantra but the traditional one).

I spend lots of time planning a class with a specific intention behind it. Then the poses, the breath, self-enquiry and even savasana will be sequenced to embody the intention – I think this is when the magic happens, when we can feel it in all our cells by the end of the class.

If you practice with me, everything will be an invitation. I am here to support you and your journey… My biggest reward is witnessing students tap into their inner power, listening to their body to know what is right for them on that day.

In flow classes movements are slow but strong, holding poses and focussing on breath with a few moments at the end for mindfulness or meditation. Yin is truly medicine for the body, mind, and soul. I love creating each class as a journey with the intention to help students reconnect and understand who they are a little bit more.

I absolutely LOVE guiding students through Yoga Nidra. One of the most powerful practices I have been trained to teach.

Share some fun facts?

I love surfing but I am no good at it. Wish we had waves in St Kilda so I could practice more often.

In case you haven’t met me yet, I am French and after 20 years living in Australia I still show no sign of Australian accent.

Anything else?

I have a Women's Yoga Retreat coming up in November at Casa Warrandyte. Daily gentle yoga practices, yin, pranayama, Yoga Nidra, meditation and mantra plus nourishing vegetarian meals. It’s a retreat to explore the power of rest and connection.

Stay tuned for beautiful insights Sarah's yoga journey @sarahmachadoyoga


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