Love & Gratitude

Being able to share what I love, to be part of a beautiful cycle of gratitude and service that filters through our community has helped me stay grounded and aligned to my soul's purpose, and to keep showing up. I am deeply thankful that I have found what I truly believe to be my purpose in life; to be of service with love. 

So often students are thanking me for holding space and sharing how much I help. The truth is... I feel so blessed by all YOU teach me! How grateful I am every time YOU show up!!

From the deepest part of my heart I want you to know how much you help me continue practicing yoga in all aspects of my life. You teach me to not only be present in the yoga I teach on the mat, you show me how to take the yoga into each moment of my life. To listen and reflect, with value and appreciation, the divine play of life's ups and downs. You allow me to rejoice in the small things that really do matter and see the challenges as gifts, even the really painful stuff. There is a true sense of showing up in all I do because of who you are and how you show up for me.

This experience of lockdown certainly hasn’t come with a hand book, there’s has been no easy way forward and  often times it has felt like it has divided some in our extended yoga communities – jab or don’t jab, mask or no mask, you have work but I don’t have work – but in continuing to show up, to hold the space, give from my heart, to remember the connection we have to each other helps.  As Rumi says “Love is the bridge between you and everything, and if we meet all beings with love what a wonderful world we can continue creating.”

I believe there is always HOPE.  This is because of ALL OF YOU showing up, paying attention, for your smiles and your tears, and for forgiving me mine. For the mutual flowing of gratitude, and yes, love.

With love and gratitude to all,


Bio: Emma teaches vinyasa, yin yoga and meditation classes through local studios in Melbourne. Always eager to collaborate with others and elevate their unique gifts, Emma offers workshops and retreats with Sound and Massage facilitators in Australia and South America. Emma teaches from her heart, and from the impact the practices have on her life, and others, in this perfectly imperfect experience of being human.


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