Top Ten Self-Care Rituals

You wanna "walk and squawk" she asks me? Yes, I absolutely wanna walk.

Walk and talk. 

Walk to see a friend.

Walk to be together. 

Walk to be alone. 

Walk because you can. 

Walk because you don't know what to do. 

Walk to greet the day. 

Walk to watch the sun go down.

Walk to smell the flowers. 

Walk to feel the breeze.

Walk to feel your feet on the earth.

Walk to feel the resonance of your body moving.

Walk because you are bored. 

Walk because you are angry.

Walk it out. 

Walk with it. 

Walk and take it all in. 

Go for a walk.

Together or alone.

What do you notice?

We hope to walk with you all soon, into the yoga studio. Until then the team are sharing their "non-negotiable" everyday self care rituals that may inspire you. What are your routines? What are you noticing on your walks? What does yoga mean? We really wanna know.

Here’s our TOP TEN – we hope they inspire you:

  1. A comforting ritual of tea gets her up and energises her everyday. ~ Caroline

  2. Singing / chanting is a magical way to start the day. ~ Stephanie

  3. Put on some music and dance like no one is watching! ~ Tania

  4. Hydration: try half a lemon squeezed in hot water. So refreshing! ~ Banu

  5. Every morning begins with prayer, meditation and gratitude. ~ Emma

  6. Unconstructed movement, tuning into whatever needs to be felt or released. ~ Lisa

  7. Nature + movement, helps to reset, realign and re-energize. ~ Amelia

  8. Lighting a candle provides time for reflection and creativity too. ~ Jessica

  9. Healthy eating, green smoothies are a super power booster. ~ Kellie

  10. Conversation; connecting everyday with someone you care about. ~ Alex

“Choose wisely” is Krishna’s most direct, urgent and vital advice to Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita. Yoga is not only about how we move on our yoga mats, is it about making good choices everyday for our health and wellness. We hope through sharing our rituals to empower you to be the best version of yourself, everyday.

Follow us on IG @yogalyfe_melbourne to hear more from the team.


Chocolate, Yoga and Fluffy Pets


Love & Gratitude