Shining a Light on Libra

As the sun moves into the sign of Libra on September 23rd in Australia, let's take a deep dive into the qualities and attributes of what this air sign's energetic principles mean so we can understand the Libran energy in our lives.


The Libra glyph or symbol that is associated with this sign is that of the scales. They are the scales of balance and are reflective of the element of Air. It is the only symbol in all of the horoscope that is represented by a physical machinery object. The glyph is also the setting sun symbolised with the changing of the seasons from autumn into winter in the Northern Hemisphere.

There are a few mythological stories associated with Libra. The Egyptians were the first to recognise the constellation of Libra and considered the scales an essential tool for judging the weight of someone's soul with the weight of a feather. If the soul weight tipped even slightly, it was deemed that the soul was not ready to enter the afterlife. Later, Libran mythology became associated with the stories of Adam and Eve and Eros and Psyche as symbols of both union and polarity. Venus, the goddess of beauty, rules Libra. She was also married to Vulcan, a very different character to her but who transformed metals into beautiful objects, reflecting Libra's propensity to refine, create beauty, harmony and balance. Libra is all about balancing oppositions and paradoxes, which is why it is also the sign that represents relationships- one and another- seeking balance.

Libran energy views the world through the eyes of paradoxical opposition, with the idea of finding perfect equilibrium.

The evolutionary journey for Libra is to find tolerance for paradox and move toward inner equilibrium.


Libran energy naturally sees both sides of any situation, manifesting as the indecisiveness Libras are so commonly known for. This also gives them a remarkable ability to arbitrate and serve as counsellors for the world.

In their quest for balance, they are natural peacemakers.

Generally, Librans have great people skills and enjoy social interactions. Whether for business, friendships or relationships, they are the matchmakers of the zodiac. They enjoy networking and are experts at bringing the right people together, one of their superpowers.

As an air sign, intellect and analytical ability are also strengths, albeit they may take longer than most to reach a definitive conclusion. Due to their need to see both perspectives, their need to weigh up both sides of the story means they take longer than most to make decisions. This can be an asset rather than a liability as all parameters will have been thoroughly considered.


Libra is so often associated with art and beauty, but why? At their core, Libran energy is looking for aesthetic harmony.

There is harmony in beauty, be it two musical notes sounding right together or two shades of green complementing each other. It could manifest in how a garden looks, how the house furniture is arranged, how two characters in a play interact. This is all aesthetic intelligence.

For the Libran, art and artistic pursuits also act as a release of tension. The tension build-up from always balancing and seeing both sides of a situation. Art offers them an escape, a way to calm down.

Librans are considered the beauties of the zodiac, both physically and in personality. Beautiful is a keyword to describe Libra, and from my experience, they are usually very aesthetically pleasing. They can place a high degree of energy in looking their best, but this can also manifest as becoming ensconced in superficiality. Keeping their appearance in check can also be a primary tactic to receive love and merge into a relationship. It is a generalisation for sure, but Libran energy does not usually like to get 'deep,' preferring to keep things on a more superficial intellectual level rather than diving into the murky waters of deep emotion.

They have a great intellect, are quick learners, personify charm and can say all the right things to get what they want. They are often found in legal professions due to an inner need for justice and equilibrium but can equally be turned off when the 'battle' begins.

The Libran strives to seek balance, harmony and to bring fairness and equality to the world around them.


Libra is associated with love, partnering, and relationships, and Libra indeed prefer to be in intimate partnership than not. The Libran energy needs the duality, the opposition of someone holding a mirror up to them to grow as a person. They need collaboration for balance. But humans love in a myriad of forms, and I believe Libra goes beyond the typical love relationship and extends to any relationship where this is a profound connection with another person. This can include deep friendships, family and business partnerships, and relationships where you learn about yourself directly from the 'other.'

Love in all its forms is a balancing act; it requires diplomacy and negotiation, of being able to see the others' perspectives, which are all traits that Librans is usually quite good at. However, Libra can fall into a pattern of co-dependency and are more likely than most to overstay a relationship for fear of being alone. Similarly, they can be known for never being single, from jumping from one relationship to the next. They are people pleasers, preferring to avoid conflict, keep the peace and looking after others. But this can lead them to lose a sense of who they are separate from the other person. When they do this too often, an undercurrent of resentment can arise, and passive rage can emerge.

Librans need to learn from their opposite sign, Aries, and develop a healthy sense of self, asserting themselves and expressing what they want.


They need to see both sides of any situation and to be given the patience by others to take their time to make up their mind.

They need to relate to be in a relationship. This doesn't necessarily need to be an intimate partnership but a relationship where they are reflected back to themselves by the other.

Libra needs beauty, peace, and harmony around them, in their daily lives and their home environment. They require aesthetic balance for the peace of their soul.

They hate loud, obnoxious, rude people and foul language. They hate to see inequality and injustice around them.

To be truly happy, they need to learn to recognise themselves in other people and be independent when necessary. They need to understand that it is ok to disappoint, upset or let down others and say no.

Their life lesson is to find tolerance for the messy parts of life and to find perfect equilibrium within themselves.

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