5 simple tips you can do daily in Spring

Spring is a time of renewed vigor. A time to say goodbye to the weariness of Winter, to listen to the birds, breathe in the sweetness of the spring and welcome the light. A time when decluttering, weeding out the unwanted and planting seeds for all that is to come can turn the impossibilities of life into hope!  Here are five simple tips you can do daily to support your overall health and wellness: 

  1. Drink more water – Each morning try pausing and offering thanks as you drink a glass of water, saying “Thank you for nourishing me.” Plenty of fresh water is a vital nutrient supporting many bodily functions, and providing us with trace minerals too (recommend trying to avoid plastic bottles). 

  2. Eat fresh produce – Take advantage of the abundance of seasonal, fresh food. What we feed our bodies impacts how we feel. Make a choice to eat healthy! We have amazing Farmers Markets in our area with lots of local and organic to choose from.

  3. Connect to the earth – Even if you are not a gardener, spending time digging in soil or barefoot on the earth can be incredibly grounding and even good for your microbiome. Go on, get your hands (and feet) dirty.  

  4. Move your body – walk, skip, ride, dance, jump, skate, surf, swim… do something every day for the goodness of your body and mind. Prioritise moving your body intelligently, and don’t forget that Yoga also reduces stress and helps build strength and increase mobility to support an active life.

  5. Rest and Reset – Taking time for a break, for meditation or a gentle restorative pose that can shift overwhelm to a calm and constructive space. A power nap would be amazing, but simply pausing to close your eyes and tune into the flow of your breath may be enough to restore a sense of equilibrium.  

At LYFE we are committed to bringing you many different opportunities to tune into your breath, reduce stress and up your self care including our Spring Equinox, morning meditations and lunchtime restoratives to help you remember to tune in, relax more and live your best life.

May you be safe, well, and at ease. 

Yours in wellness,

Yoga LYFE family


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