Stillness in a Spinning World

We don't always realise we need to slow down until we are forced to. Until life has become so overwhelming that the simplest of tasks becomes a chore too big to conquer. The familiar patterns creep in; restless nights, obsessive working, a manic sense to daily existence. We stop feeling present at home, at work, with family, with friends. We may be physically there, but emotionally and mentally we are depleted, checked out.

And then you stop. It sounds easy right... well, it isn't! Sometimes we have to make a conscious choice to stop, to slow down before we fall down. Often, we have the support around us to do it, however really we need to give yourselves the permission. Guilt free, non-judgmental permission to just stop.

To become the stillness in a spinning world. To anchor back to yourself and ride through the storm. To realise time and time again the untethering is not external but internal and that we need to give ourselves time and space to connect back within. Our practise teaches us this daily. If life is 10% of what happens to us and 90% of how we react to it, yoga can support, guide, nourish that reaction. To know who we are, to bring us back to our true essence.

Allow yourself to slow down, give permission to yourself to stop – without judgement or criticism – meet yourself with love and compassion and allow yourself to truly stop… and listen… and see.

The world will keep on spinning, but for now you can be still.

xx Briony




Ganesha's Creation Story