This week has been a rollercoaster of emotions, as we welcome the vibrant energy of spring with hopeful hearts and open arms, while simultaneously grappling with other news that has left us breathless.

First and foremost, we genuinely hope you are okay. Are you okay?

In times like these, when life takes unexpected turns, we find solace in our yoga practice. However, beyond the physical postures and mindful breaths, the heart of LYFE is about fostering a profound sense of belonging and community. It's about people coming together to uplift one another during both the highs and lows.

We want you to know that we are here for you. We see you. Our space is your space - a place to be heard, supported, and embraced. Whether you need a listening ear, a comforting presence, or simply the warmth of community, LYFE is here for you.

As we navigate through this journey together, we extend an invitation for you to join us, and feel free to bring a friend along too. Connect with a community that genuinely cares, that understands the power of togetherness.

This Thursday, 8th September, marks National RUOK Day, a significant initiative dedicated to encouraging meaningful conversations about mental health. In honour of this day, we invite you to bring a friend for FREE all week, using the promo code: RUOK. Let's spread compassion, support, and positivity.

At LYFE, we promise not to judge but to embrace diversity, to respect individual choices, and to honor the ethical principles of yoga for the greater good of humanity.

In closing, remember that you are not alone. We are sending immense love and light your way.

With love and solidarity,

Denise and the LYFE Team

"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted" ~ Aesop


Transformative Journey


Stillness in a Spinning World