Transformative Journey

how do you build a good life?

relentlessly follow your intuition

build with people who also love to grow

take responsibility for healing

love yourself so deeply that you feel at home in your body and mind

teach yourself to forgive

never stop being a kind person

– yung pueblo

Reflecting on my first yoga class, I'm filled with gratitude for the transformative journey that unfolded over the past 25 years. That initial class, led by an inspiring and graceful yoga teacher, left me in awe, even though backbends and arm balances felt like distant goals. Yet, amidst the challenges, something magical happened - a connection to self and a profound sense of well-being.

The day after that class, every muscle seemed to echo the effort, but a spark had ignited, and I continued to practice. Yoga became my anchor, providing strength, flexibility, clarity, and perspective. It empowered and calmed me, and above all, it gifted me with friendships and a sense of community that is truly invaluable.

From practicing in churches and parks to attending retreats and creating sacred spaces at home, my journey has embraced various styles - Ashtanga, Iyengar, Anusara, Bhakti, Meditation, Therapeutics, and Restoratives. The mantra has always been, "it's all good yoga," encouraging the simple act of showing up and choosing what resonates most.

Yoga is a constant companion, helping to build a good life. At Yoga LYFE, we extend an invitation for you to join us. With some of the best teachers in Melbourne, we offer a diverse range of practices. Whether you're returning to your mat or exploring different modalities, our studio is designed for everyone.

The magic of yoga unfolds through regular practice over time. It becomes a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and growth. You can drop into class or make the loving commitment to become a member, where your practice extends beyond the mat, becoming a gift to everyone in your life.

We appreciate your support and cherish the privilege of sharing the transformative power of yoga with you.

With gratitude,

Denise and the Yoga LYFE Team


Mental Health
