6 Ways to Develop a Positive Outlook

One of the biggest pleasures at the studio are the conversations in between classes. They never fail to inspire and teach me. I was chatting with a student last week about how challenging this past lockdown felt. The resurgence of uncertainty, cancelling and rescheduling, being stuck at home, getting annoyed with those we are stuck at home with, even the cat (as super cute as he is) not being enough to restore a positive outlook. 

The student I was talking to -- Heidi -- shared that she starts her working week meeting with her team. They purposefully check in with how everyone is and collectively share what they’re grateful for and the goals they’re working toward. Heidi, usually sweet and rational and positive, was feeling cranky with her family, overwhelmed about not being in the office, and unusually emotional. The only thing she could think of that she was grateful for was coffee. 

Heidi texted me later… “Thanks for your chat. Goes without saying that I am most grateful for the studio, and coffee!”

Me too, Heidi. I am so thankful every time I show up to teach and to connect. I, too, was teary last week. And busy. Not in a creative way, but with reactive busyness that doesn’t nourish me or fill me up. How can we keep showing up, and staying positive, and being grateful for all that we have? For me, the biggest help is staying connected with friends, even when I’m low. Here are a few ideas that also helped this week:

Stay Centered - Pay attention to how others draw you into conversation or ways of being you don’t prefer. Do your best not to judge them, rather bring your awareness to your breath in your body to stay centered and open to the opportunity to learn more about your values and what you believe.

Listen - The most important posture in our yoga practice is not the outer form, but the inner. Make the time to listen inwardly to the wisdom that resides within all of us. Take time to mindfully tune in to your inner knowing. A regular meditation practice supports this. Listen to that inner guidance.

Show Up - Making a commitment to show up to move, to be mindful, to live with purpose and connection. There are many aspects of our lives that need attention to help with our overall wellness. Take care of yourself first so you can take care of others. Seek others who you can join with to keep each other accountable.

Be a Leader - Be ready to give, to serve, to be your best self. Be ready to face challenges and changes from a place of optimism, kindness, and compassion. Lead by example. Model the values you want to see in others.

Build Confidence - Develop a belief in yourself and your abilities. Be purposeful in cultivating confidence, even if it takes time, create the habit of a “can do” attitude. Release the negative conversations in your mind and start loving who you are. 

Community Matters - We are meant to be living life together with others. Be generous and give your time and love to friends and family. Stay connected to those you care about. Make an effort to reach out and grow in community. And ask for support when you need it. 


Little is in our control


What is the meaning of Namaste?