What is the meaning of Namaste?

As yogis of the west we use the Sanskrit word Namaste as a respectful recognition or salutation of each other when we finish a class. There has been much discussion within ‘yoga communities’ whether it is used as intended, and if even we are taking something intrinsically Indian, more of a Hindi greeting, and misusing under a spiritual guise. Thanks @sueelkind for sparking this conversation and to all the many teachers who guide us.

For us at LYFE we do use Namaste, and mean it, and feel it. The intention behind the use of Sanskrit (whether pose names or themes) is with respect and honour of a tradition we continue to study and offer with integrity. I love how @amyippooliti recently shared “…it is with celebration and humility around another culture, not appropriation.”

To prostrate ourselves to a deity, or a teacher, is another expression of respect and of fullness of our inner intention. It’s an expansion of our soul’s inner yearning – may your good qualities come into me and may mine be assimilated into you.

And so sometimes, we offer ourselves in this expansive way to full up with the gift of the goodness, the effervescence, the blissful collective of beings who teach us. We bow and honour our many teachers for their generosity and grace, for sharing their wisdom and the gift that is the continuing conversation of yoga.

Our teacher Manorama shares…”It’s a beautiful contemplation about namaste which are two words written under one roof or as if one. With this phrase we offer our respect and heartfelt honour to the other and set up a channel of respect and love. It’s lovely. The more we align inwardly thru yogic practice, the more we want to extend from that balance towards perceived others. Though namaste is really a singular form I spoke to the international Sanskrit community about is and they are fine with using it in a group context as it has commonly become known as reverent greetings or respect.” Learn more at https://sanskritstudies.org/


6 Ways to Develop a Positive Outlook


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