Tension vs Relaxation

"Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are." ~ Chinese Proverb

I found myself getting stuck in the "small stuff" this week... literally the schedule got messed up, the music wouldn't play at the studio, the lights are out on our sign, the fans wouldn't work, the cleaners couldn't come, there's a leak in the bathroom, the posters need updating... the constant barrage of little things, the changes and expectations from others... you see I am a people pleaser and when stuff unravels effecting others the tension is felt in my body.

My necks hurts. That's where the tension is this week. Perhaps from talking on the phone too much or sitting overly long in front of my laptop. Or because all of the "small stuff" is a pain in my neck, and not what I would prefer to pour my heart into.

We all harden ourselves, every single day. We may not know it as it’s happening, but we will undoubtedly experience its effects. Tension is the stress response finding a home in our body.

Meeting tension requires compassionate awareness, patience, and kindness.

The breath-based yoga practices, conscious relaxation, and meditation help bring awareness of where and how we hold tension, and help allow tension to soften and you feel more spacious and at ease.

Try this... squeeze your fist closed really tight, like even more than you think, and then open your palm wide and notice how that feels (do this with your eyes closed is best).

Releasing the tension takes awareness, and time, and it's an ongoing practice. At the studio we have amazing teachers working with myofascial release and yin yoga and guided meditation (yoga nidra) and restorative yoga that are meant to refresh and reset your mind and body. My sincere hope is that we all use these classes to help feel supported, to release some of the tension so we don't sweat the small stuff.

May you feel supported; may you be at ease.

Denise and the Yoga LYFE team


Motherhood & Yoga


Corporate Yoga