Collective Effervescence

The energy of 2022 is... only doing what feels genuinely right in your intuition and letting everything else go." — Yung Pueblo

The joy in taking care of others is powerful. This is the true gift of yoga communities; the coming together, the friendship, the support, the connection to something greater than ourselves. I love this feeling of lifting each other up, of celebrating life. Let's learn to let go of insecurities and prejudices, to lean into what feels right and good, to welcome the warmth of kindness and goodness that surrounds us, on and off the mat.

This is why we keep offering a range of diverse teachers and practices FOR YOU, our kula or community, so you too can experience the wonderful energy harnessed through leaning into what feels good, and know that in coming together we find our greatest bliss in these moments of collective effervescence.

Collective effervescence is a concept coined by sociologist Émile Durkheim to describe the sense of energy and harmony people feel when they come together in a group around a shared purpose... "the synchrony you feel when you slide into rhythm with strangers on a dance floor, or fans at a sports event." Or try chanting together... something happens.

May you tend to your heart, soul and body, so you can tend to others.

May you be happy and know the causes of happiness.

May we sing and dance gently on this earth, together.

With loving kindness,

xx Denise and the LYFE tribe


What is Yoga?


Listen to Your Heart