What is Yoga?


What is Yoga?

Yoga has meant so many different things for me over the year and I guess this is because the more it gets me the more I understand.

Yoga is a feeling of love. A love that is the connected, understood in energy not words, limitless expansive and free.

Yoga is feeling, seen, held, nurtured.

Yoga is healing.

Yoga is breathing with such ease and the sense of God there in and through me.

Yoga is all these moments in-between I feel connected to everything and nothing.

Yoga feels like a truer version of myself. It has taken time to understand this concept and as I continue to practice I know theses concepts will also change.

What principles do you live by?

Be kind, have courage and always LOVE.

Practicing these principles for many years allows me to equally meet myself.

Being nice and loving to others – this is easy for me! Having the courage to show the same care to myself….hmmm not so much.

Doing acts of kindness and being in service to others has helped build my self esteem and create the inner connection that I used to search for from the outside in. It is not always easy to be kind and show love when challenged. These are the times for me to have courage, and just be kind anyway, because the feeling of love expanding out weights the contraction and the suffering I would otherwise experience.

How would you describe your teaching style?

My intention is to support students to connect to the invisible and incredibly magical field/grid that is in the very essence of all of us and everything.

My dancing background brings a creative flare to the practice and equally I am mindful of respecting the traditions of the practice. My hope is to create a feeling of movement and breath that encourages students to feel deeply, to be completely astonished by their strength when my South American spice comes out in the stronger dynamic poses, and also to find balance and ease in meeting and reaching their potential.

Even as I cue and create movement I want everyone to remain playful; let’s not get lost in over thinking rather feel into how the movement is a natural organic state of conscious awareness and freedom.

Tell us something we may not know about you?

I am a crazy plant lady! I talk to them, sing with them, and love them into flourishing.

I can still put both my legs behind my head – the first time I did this I was four and was seriously impressed with myself! This still makes me laugh :)

I love the water, and probs I do my best thinking in the shower.

I am clairvisual but don’t often share this (only now, with the the whole LYFE community hahaha).

I never let myself get too serious. I like that there’s an innocence in me and my childlike kindred spirit is always dancing with me.

Like to share anything else?

I am a seeker. A seeker of truth to help unravel the paradigms of the ancestors, and the unhealthy patterns that informed my early to mid years of life.

I have experienced self suffering at the greatest proportions, and my desire is to create the best vibration around myself and for others by practising love in every aspect of my life.

I believe in HOPE and FAITH in God. The inner most part of me knows this unshakable truth.

Follow all the wonderful ways Emma shows up in the world @em_poweredbylove


I Feel Included


Collective Effervescence