Heart of Yoga

Dear Beloved YOGA LYFE Community,

As we stand at the intersection of past and present, I'm reminded of a profound teaching from Patanjali's Yoga Sutras: atha yoga anushasanam, translating to "now, the practice of yoga begins." However, as the insightful Judith Lasater points out, let's linger on the first word – atha. Now, the practice of yoga is shared.

This is precisely why, four years ago, we opened the doors to our studio – to share the essence of yoga. To unite in the multi-dimensional connection that yoga nurtures within us, not just to ourselves but to the world around us. It's about weaving connections to this present moment, to our authentic selves, to the natural world, and most importantly, to each other. We exist within a wondrous field of energy, interconnected and bound by the threads of empathy and compassion – the very foundation of all life.

Compassion, the invisible force that knits us into tribes, is not just a survival strategy for our species; it's a catalyst for our thriving. From childhood to adulthood, the nurturing connection we share propels us not only towards survival but towards a life of flourishing. It all comes back to the profound importance of nurturing connection.

Despite the challenges of the past few years, the flame of inspiration burns bright within our incredible teachers, who embody the very ethos we envisioned for this studio. Your presence, each one of you, is a vital thread in the rich tapestry of community and belonging we are cultivating. It takes a tribe, and we are immensely grateful for yours.

As we joyously celebrate four years around the sun, we extend a heartfelt invitation to everyone. Join a class, share light refreshments, or dance and sing into the evening with us. Our intention is to keep sharing the transformative gifts of yoga, and we invite you to be our ambassadors – tell your friends, bring your family, and help us continue nurturing a community that genuinely cares for each other.

In the immortal words of Louis Cozolino, "We are not the survival of the fittest, we are the survival of the nurtured."

With boundless love, Denise & Our Beautiful Tribe


Winter Wellness


Yoga and Giving Back