Listening Deeply

As we stand on the threshold of a new year, I find myself drawn to the quiet seam that exists in the fabric of all things — a space of waiting and listening. In this moment, I am still learning the art of being still and quiet, choosing to practice more and wait for life to reveal itself.

Recently, Noah Maze, who is one of my teachers, expressed the power of engagement, the essence of yoga itself: "The processes of engagement – literally of yoga – are effective and reliable. This is where I devote my energy time and again. The practice is what I am committed to. Turn inside and listen deeply. Turn outside and participate fully."

I wholeheartedly believe in this process — turning inside, listening deeply, and participating fully in the practice.

Through our yoga journey, we evolve, becoming better acquainted with ourselves. It requires true listening — listening to the whispers of choice and the murmurs of love. We need more love, more kindness, and spaces and people where we truly belong.

We invite you to meet us in this seam, the seam of engagement that we call yoga, with a community of hearts we fondly call LYFE. As we step into the new year, may it be filled with the profound blessings of growth, connection, and self-discovery.

Happiest New Year to all, and may the coming days be adorned with love and light.

xx Denise

P.S. If you have a moment, we would greatly appreciate it if you could share your experience at Yoga LYFE by leaving a review on GOOGLE – your words are a valuable part of our shared journey.

"Let choice whisper in your ear and love murmur in your heart.

Be ready. Here comes life." – Maya Angelou


The Art of Breath


Gratitude and Hope