The Art of Breath

How amazing is Audible? Recently, my husband and I immersed ourselves in James Nestor's enlightening book, "Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art." Inspired by the transformative insights, my husband embarked on a weekend workshop called The Happiness Program. This experience led him to a 40-day challenge, exploring the impact of daily breath exercises on his sleep, health, and overall happiness.

The deeper I dive into the world of breathwork, the more compelled I am to share its benefits with others. Our breath serves as the most intimate connection to the world, revealing profound insights into our relationships with ourselves, others, and nature. I believe that investing in learning breath practices can be transformative for all of us.

"Why Alternate Nostril Breathing?" my husband asks. Beyond calming the nervous system, reducing anxiety, and the impressive findings from recent clinical studies, the true magic lies in experiencing the difference it makes for you.

Whether exploring Wim Hof or other recycling breathwork with powerful results, or opting for simpler, less intense practices, the key is to learn and practice different techniques in a safe space. Discover how they make you feel.

Our aspiration is to encourage you to join us for special classes focused on learning to breathe better and moving in ways that enhance energy levels, concentration, and focus. Explore upcoming workshops that include breathwork, promising profound effects on your overall well-being and happiness.

With a deep breath and boundless support,

Denise and the incredible team at Yoga LYFE

"Breathing in, I calm the body. Breathing out, I smile." – Thich Nhat Hanh




Listening Deeply